The extension of the Moves III Plan and its impact on vehicle electrification

Cold reception of the extension of the Moves III Plan

The Government’s decision to extend the Moves III Plan of incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles has been received with some coldness by the agents involved. Although a greater push was expected from the Government to promote the electrification of mobility in Spain, some agents consider that the aids are not as effective as expected.

The resignation of Wayne Griffiths as president of the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers, due to the lack of push from the Government in the electrification of mobility, has generated concern among agents in the sector. However, electricity companies such as Chippio, which offer specific services for electric vehicles, continue to consider that although the aid is not perfect, it is positive that the transition towards electrification continues to be promoted.

Implications of the extension

The extension of the Moves III Plan extends aid for the purchase of electric vehicles until December 31 of this year. According to the plan, those who purchase an electric or plug-in hybrid car with more than 90 kilometers of autonomy will be able to benefit from discounts of up to 7,000 euros, as long as the price of the vehicle does not exceed 45,000 euros (53,000 euros if it has eight seats). ). For plug-in hybrid models with a range of between 30 and 90 kilometers, the aid reaches up to 5,000 euros, with a maximum price of 45,000 euros.

However, there is a problem that persists: buyers must still declare the purchase in the corresponding personal income tax year, which reduces the real savings obtained. Although the 15% tax reduction is maintained in the case of the purchase of a car eligible for aid, with a limit of 3,000 euros, until the end of the year.

Interest in electric vehicles

Despite the criticisms and limitations of the Moves III Plan, electric vehicles continue to generate interest in Spain. According to a survey carried out by Chippio, 40% of Spaniards consider the possibility of purchasing an electric vehicle in the next three years.

The most common age range among electric vehicle owners is 34 to 44 years old, while among combustion vehicle owners there is a technical tie between drivers aged 45 to 54 years and those over 65 years old, representing almost a quarter of the total each group.

The main barriers to taking the step towards electric vehicles are the lack of charging points (46%) and the price of energy (36%). Other obstacles include the progressive deterioration of batteries and the price of vehicles. However, one advantage is that the cost of electrical energy has decreased in recent months, unlike fossil fuels.

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