This Friday’s weather: The warm air mass is starting to leave

The change of time

The peak of temperatures arrived this Thursday and the week will close by saying goodbye to the mass of warm air that has maintained the almost spring values ​​in these last days. This is what the forecast of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (Meteocat) indicates, which shows a Friday day with a slight drop in thermometers. The day will be cloudy and foggy, but the atmosphere will remain not far from 20 degrees.

Temperatures a les capitals

Regarding the temperatures in the four capitals of the country, the Meteocat indicates that Barcelona city will register 8 degrees during the first half of the day, which will climb until 5 pm in the afternoon. In Girona, temperatures will drop to one degree in the morning and will reach 18 in the afternoon. In Lleida, one degree will be recorded in the early hours and 9 after lunch, while in Tarragona, the mercury will rise from 7 degrees in the morning until 18.

Temperature record

Despite the fact that this Thursday we reached the peak of unusual temperatures for this time of year, we cannot speak of a record. It was January 28, 2021 at the Ebro Observatory when 28.0 °C was reached. That same day, a maximum of 26.7 °C was recorded in Ulldecona. This Thursday, however, the highest temperature was 25.4 °C in Anglès (la Selva).

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