Camp eviction in Plaza Universitat de Barcelona

Eviction of Activists in Plaza Universitat

During the early hours of this Friday, the Barcelona Urban Guard intervened to disperse the camp of activists in support of Palestine that had started on Thursday night in Plaza Universitat. According to protest organizers, police officers arrived at the scene around 3:20 a.m., removed all tents and issued fines to participants.

Responsibility of the Local Council

Activists have blamed the local council, led by socialist Jaume Collboni, whom they accuse of complicity with the genocidal State of Israel. In a statement on social networks, they have announced that there will be a proportional response to the repression suffered, urging them to be attentive to their networks for future actions.

Origin and Objectives of the Camping

The initiative was promoted by students from the University of Barcelona, ​​who joined people from other social movements. The camp was held in protest against the genocide suffered by the Palestinian population in Gaza, in the context of the prolonged military offensive that has claimed the lives of more than 35,000 civilians.

Lawsuits and Protest Actions

The participants demanded that the Government of the Generalitat and the State Executive break relations with Israel, as well as impose divestments and sanctions on Jewish territory. They also advocated for the end of the colonial occupation of Palestinian lands and the cessation of repression of the solidarity movement with the Palestinian people.

International Impact

This protest action joins similar mobilizations in universities around the world, such as Columbia (USA) or Trinity College (Ireland), evidencing global solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

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