Challenges and Political Scenarios in the 15th Legislature of Catalonia

Uncertainty in the Formation of the New Government

The 15th legislature in Catalonia has begun with the uncertainty of the formation of the new government, raising the possibility of a new president or the calling of new elections on Sunday, October 13. The president of the Parliament, Josep Rull, has begun the electoral process by confirming the impossibility of proposing a candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat within the period established to hold a first investiture plenary session, which has activated the regulatory period of two months .

Unpublished Scenario in Catalan Politics

This scenario, although it is not the first time that an act equivalent to a failed investiture has been activated, is unprecedented in the sense that it had never been carried out after an election, certifying the infeasibility of holding a first investiture plenary session within the deadlines. marked. Both the PSC and Junts parties, which have expressed their intention to attend the investiture, have until August 26 to try to forge a majority that will allow them to form a government.

Precedents and Current Context

The closest precedent to this situation dates back to October 2020, when then-president Quim Torra was convicted and disqualified, which led to the calling of elections. The resolution was communicated in plenary, followed by a brief debate with interventions by the parliamentary groups, showing that the possible agreements for the investiture are still far from being finalized.

Possible Future Scenarios

The possibility of not having any investiture plenary session until August 26 or that no candidate runs raises the possibility of an electoral repetition. Both the PSC and Junts have requested more time to close agreements, making it clear that they will not attend a failed investiture without solid support. This circumstance, if it materializes, would be unprecedented, since historically the presidents of the Generalitat have been invested in a first plenary session, with specific exceptions.

Electoral Repetition and Early Dissolution of the Legislature

If the two-month period expires without holding any investiture plenary session, an unprecedented situation in Catalonia would occur: the automatic dissolution of the chamber and the calling of elections within a period of 47 days. Likewise, the possibility of holding an investiture plenary session in the summer months represents a novel scenario, since historically these sessions have been held in other months of the year.

Deputies in Exile and Amnesty Law

The presence of three deputies in exile, in a context in which the amnesty law is already in force, adds a unique nuance to this legislature. The uncertainty about holding a full investiture session or resolving the situation through a last-minute pact places Catalonia in unusual political terrain.

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