Esquerra Republicana and its policies for Catalonia

A new political vision

Esquerra Republicana (ERC) is a Catalan political party with a clear vision and commitment to the future of Catalonia. With a political proposal based on nationalism and the left, ERC seeks to build a new political hegemony in the region.

In recent years, Catalonia has experienced a period of political contradictions and inaction. Anti-repression has become the main political project, since the last significant political action was the application of Article 155 by the Spanish State. This action was a response to the inaction of the leaders of the Process, who decided not to make a decision.

The change of leadership

With the presidency of Pere Aragonès, ERC had the opportunity to lead a new political stage in Catalonia. However, the lack of charisma of its leaders and the post-process lucidity have diminished its influence. The Parliament of Catalonia has become a machine of disrepute for those who occupy it, without any clear idea of ​​the country.

ERC had the opportunity to promote a more radical and fertile left-wing nationalism than the proposals of the extreme right. In an international context where protectionism is gaining ground, ERC could have promoted policies of cohesion and protection of Catalan interests. However, the lack of a clear vision of the country and the competition between the parties have prevented this possibility.

The challenge of autonomy

Catalan autonomy faces several challenges. On the one hand, Spanish autonomy limits the country’s protection policies. On the other hand, Catalans, after the independence process, show a frozen skepticism towards politicians and their proposals. This means that policies based on small improvements are not enough to achieve political hegemony.

The management policy in the meantime, which is based on small improvements for teachers and nurses, is no different from what the PSC could do. In addition, approving laws that the Constitutional Court will annul only serves to portray Spain, but does not provide real solutions to the country’s problems.

The need for a new vision

To achieve a new political hegemony in Catalonia, a new vision is needed that responds to the changes that are happening in Europe and the world. The PSC, betting on Spanish nationalism, will only generate conflicts. We need a political proposal that knows how to respond to the global nationalist turn and that puts the interests of Catalonia at the center.

In short, Esquerra Republicana has had the opportunity to lead a new political stage in Catalonia, but the lack of charisma of its leaders and the lack of a clear vision of the country have diminished its influence. To achieve a new hegemony, a new political vision is needed that responds to global changes and puts the interests of Catalonia at the center.

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