Inici » Puigdemont challenges Sánchez: his patience has a limit

Puigdemont challenges Sánchez: his patience has a limit

La foto de un club cervecero con gente en la puerta de Carles Puigdemont eleva la amenaza a Pedro Sánchez El presidente de Junts advierte de que le retirará su apoyo si no se somete a la cuestión de confianza Carles Puigdemont aprovechó el prime time que le dio anoche TV3 para mostrar su lado más intransigente. El independentismo le acusa de apoyar al partido 155 de forma gratuita, por lo que el presidente de Junts necesitaba sacar músculo. Y lo hizo elevando la amenaza a Pedro Sánchez, como nunca antes. Durante la entrevista advirtió(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

Puigdemont’s strategy against the PSOE

In a recent appearance on TV3, Carles Puigdemont made a strong statement that has left the PSOE in a delicate situation. At a time when the pro-independence movement accuses him of supporting the 155 government without conditions, Puigdemont opted for an assertive approach, making it clear that his patience has a limit.

Warnings about the issue of trust

The former president warned that if the PSOE does not accept the question of confidence, serious consequences could be triggered for the legislature. The decision of the Congressional Bureau to postpone the vote has provided a temporary respite, but Puigdemont was explicit: “They know what will happen,” he insisted, threatening to cause a collapse of the government.

Breakup as a viable option

Until now, Puigdemont had hinted that he might withdraw his support for the PSOE, but now he has made it clear. This new stance raises the question: is it really an option, or simply a tactic to pressure?

The implications for Junts

The confidence question offers Junts a golden opportunity. If the PSOE refuses, it will be able to justify its break without resorting to a motion of no confidence with PP and Vox. On the other hand, if they accept the question, the government will have to invest all its efforts to obtain Junts’ support.

Possible future scenarios

This dynamic could position Junts as the defender of Catalan interests with voters, an aspect that would distance them from ERC. However, if the agreement materializes, Junts could achieve significant concessions.

Fear grows among socialists

Puigdemont’s interview has caused great nervousness within the PSOE. The socialist authorities are aware that the former president is an unpredictable actor, and his latest message has highlighted the fragility of the relationship established so far.

Growing distrust

PSOE members fear that confidence in Junts has been damaged. Puigdemont’s stance reaffirms the concerns of many who warn of the risks of an alliance with him. The need to reconsider this relationship is increasingly urgent.

Reflections on the political future

In the current political landscape, tensions between Junts and the PSOE could lead to a change of direction in the Spanish government. Sánchez’s ability to maintain parliamentary stability is at a critical juncture, and the coming weeks will be decisive for his mandate.

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