The best solution for the governance of the country

Salvador Illa is betting on a progress pact

The first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, reiterated this Saturday that the “best solution” for the governance of the country is a pact to progress its formation with the Republican Left and the Commons. In an intervention at the congress of Maresme socialists, Illa once again pointed out that there are only two options on the table: “Either a progressive agreement or new elections”.

An opportunity for Catalonia

According to Illa, an agreement with republicans and those of Jéssica Albiach is a “very good opportunity for Catalonia”. The socialist leader emphasizes the importance of a space of stability and tranquility to work and address the fundamental problems of the country.

The importance of dialogue and flexibility

Illa emphasizes the importance of dialogue, flexibility, generosity, discretion and political craft to achieve this majority of progress. It emphasizes the possibility of developing policies of progress and prosperity in a context of advancement of the extreme right and the radical right.

A strategy inspired by the Popular Front of France

Illa mentions the formula of the Popular Front of France as an example of how to fight against the extreme right. It emphasizes the importance of putting aside differences and uniting in a broad front to achieve this goal.

Negotiations and transparency

Illa assures that the negotiations with ERC and the Commons are carried out with discretion, but this does not imply secrecy. When there are results, their content will be announced. The leader of the PSC is optimistic about the possibility for this pact to prosper and defends that other relevant formations are not excluded in broad and transversal agreements.

A long negotiation and no holidays

Illa anticipates that the negotiation will be long and will last until the end of the August 26 deadline. He makes it clear that he will not take a vacation and will be dedicated to this task until an agreement is reached.

The message about amnesty and respect for the work of judges

Illa also refers to the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the first amnestied persons. It emphasizes the importance that judges respect the work of other powers and that their task is to apply the laws, not to create them. He expresses confidence in the application of the amnesty approved by Congress and defends that other formations are not excluded in broad and transversal agreements.


Salvador Illa reiterates his commitment to a progress pact with ERC and the Commons as the best solution for the governance of the country. It emphasizes the importance of dialogue, flexibility and generosity to achieve this majority. It also refers to amnesty and respect for the work of judges. In short, Illa defends a space of stability and tranquility to work on the fundamental problems of Catalonia.

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