Inici » The educational crisis in Catalonia: a system in crisis

The educational crisis in Catalonia: a system in crisis

La foto de un club cervecero con gente en El vídeo de cómo se enseñan las matemáticas en Cataluña que se ha hecho viral Los usuarios en las redes sociales lo tienen claro: "Si esta es la gran innovación del futuro, estamos preparados" Según el último informe educativo, los alumnos catalanes tienen unas competencias matemáticas por debajo de la media española y europea. Esto ha supuesto un nuevo golpe para la ya de por sí maltrecha educación catalana. Y uno de los responsables de este fracaso es Innovamat, que ofrece recursos pedagógicos para la enseñanza de las matemáticas(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

The impact of Innovamat on mathematics teaching

A recent video has sparked intense debate about the teaching of mathematics in Catalonia, highlighting the shortcomings of the education system. With the phrase ‘If this is the great innovation of the future, we are in trouble’, many social media users have expressed their concern.

Disappointing results in math skills

A recent education report reveals that Catalan students are far behind Spanish and European averages in math skills. This result is a new setback for the already deteriorating Catalan education system.

Innovamat and the pedagogical confrontation

Innovamat has been singled out as one of the responsible parties for this situation. Its methodology, which prioritizes the learning process over knowledge itself, has generated debate about the effectiveness of its approach.

A controversial example: the remainder ’76-28′

In an attempt to teach how to solve the remainder ’76-28′, the Innovamat method presents a mix of colors and images that is confusing to many students. Reactions to a video illustrating this process have been strong, with hundreds of comments questioning its effectiveness.

User reactions

Many viewers have expressed their disbelief at the difficulty of a method that apparently complicates what should be a simple calculation. Comments such as ‘I don’t understand what it does’ or ‘If this is innovation, we’re lost’ resonate among internet users.

A call for change in Catalan education

The public reaction to Innovamat’s methodology has intensified criticism of the Catalan education system. More and more voices, including teachers and parents, are calling for a radical change in the teaching of mathematics and other subjects.

A worrying outlook

Reports such as PISA and data on Catalan results have highlighted the weaknesses of a system that seems to be collapsing. Furthermore, the difficulties in celebrating popular traditions such as Christmas, due to multiculturalism, add another layer of complexity to the situation.

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