The frustrated agreement between Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner and the State Attorney’s Office

A pact that avoids prison

Last week, Alberto González Amador, partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, reached an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office to avoid prison. In this pre-agreement, González Amador admitted to having committed fraud against the Treasury for a value of 350,951 euros in two years and to having used a scheme of false invoices to carry out the deception. However, this agreement was frustrated due to a request to expand the investigation presented by the PSOE and Más Madrid, which has led to the postponement of the businessman’s statement.

Pre-agreement details

The pre-agreement between the Madrid president’s partner and the authorities included a detailed description of the fraud against the Treasury in the years 2020 and 2021, as well as the admission of two crimes against the Public Treasury in relation to Corporate Tax. According to the agreement, González Amador had to pay a fine of 40% of the defrauded amount, which amounted to 60,000 euros and 78,380.56 euros respectively. In addition, the defrauded 350,951 euros and interest of 2,493.10 euros were added, making a total of 491,824 euros. A special penalty of disqualification from exercising the right to passive suffrage during the time of the sentence was also established and the loss of the right to obtain public aid and tax or Social Security benefits for 9 months for each of the two crimes against the Treasury.

Ongoing research

However, the pre-agreement was frustrated due to the request to expand the investigation presented by the PSOE and Más Madrid, who consider that other crimes have been committed in addition to tax fraud, such as disloyal administration, accounting falsehood, corruption in business and accounting crime. They also argue that the amount defrauded could be greater than what has been established so far. These accusations have led to the investigation remaining open and new responsibilities being considered.

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