Inici » The new ideological battle of the Catalan left

The new ideological battle of the Catalan left

foto de la barra de una cervecería con gente en Nuevo frente abierto de la izquierda catalana El Poble Lliure y Xavier Domènech debaten sobre la estrategia a seguir Sacrificar las políticas de izquierdas por la unidad independentista o sacrificar la unidad independentista por políticas de izquierdas. El debate no es nuevo, pero ahora ha resurgido con intensidad a raíz de un artículo de Xavier Domènech en El Crític. Xavier Domènech, ex coordinador general de Cataluña en Comú, fue en su día uno de los enlaces entre el mundo de los comunes y el C(8k, máxima calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A persistent dilemma: unity or ideology?

The debate about prioritizing left-wing policies and pro-independence unity is not a recent phenomenon. However, it has now regained relevance due to an article by politician Xavier Domènech published in El Crític.

Domènech: a bridge between two realities

Xavier Domènech, former general coordinator of Catalonia in Comú, played a key role in the connection between the Comuns and the CUP. Given the current situation on the left, Domènech proposes the need for a strong alliance between ERC, Comuns and the CUP to confront the hegemony of the PSC and Junts.

Answers from Poble Lliure

In response to Domènech’s article, members of Poble Lliure, the pro-independence branch of the CUP, have expressed their opinions. Historically, Poble Lliure has maintained a position in favor of an alliance with Junts, to the detriment of the Comuns.

Constructive criticism

The representatives of Poble Lliure point out that their criticism of Domènech is constructive. They recognize the diagnosis he makes about the social reality of Catalonia, but emphasize that the new block of popular classes must also include sectors of the petty bourgeoisie.

A new social panorama

Poble Lliure argues that the new class alliance represents a response to the expulsion of various sectors by the Spanish centralist system. They recall the events of October 3, 2017, considering this bloc as the majority at present.

Ideological differences

Poble Lliure members criticize what they consider a ‘reactionary approach’ of the Comuns leadership and reject the idea of ​​an autonomic left seeking to reform Spain. They defend a more ambitious project, centered on the ‘republic of the social majority’.

An endless debate

Domènech expressed his disappointment with ERC’s decision to form a government with Junts in 2021, which, according to him, has contributed to the current crisis of the left. Nevertheless, he maintains an optimistic message, betting on the reconstruction of a progressive alliance in the future.

This discussion about the direction that the Catalan left should take, which has intensified with the independence process, remains relevant today, as solutions are sought to overcome the current crisis.

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