The Popular Party and the Spanish flag in Catalonia

The Popular Party and the importance of the Spanish flag

The Popular Party (PP) expresses its concern about the fact that some Catalan councils do not raise the Spanish flag. According to the PP, the national flag is a symbol of harmony and pride for the entire territory, and they do not understand why in Catalonia it is increasingly common not to display it on the balcony. With this concern in mind, the PP has announced that it will present an initiative to Congress to pressure the Spanish government to sanction Catalan councils that do not wave the Rojigualda (

The importance of the Spanish flag

The PP considers that the Spanish flag represents a call to unity, cooperation and mutual respect. According to them, as a united nation, Spain can overcome any difference and obstacle under a common identity (

Current regulations and their non-compliance

The PP recalls that the regulations in force establish that the autonomous flags must be flown next to the Spanish flag in public buildings and at official events. In addition, the Spanish flag must fly outside the town halls so that it can be seen from the street, and it must occupy a preferred place inside the buildings of the Administration ( /com-estructura-text-catala/).

The PP’s proposal

The PP wants its proposal to be debated and voted on in the Territorial Policy committee of the Congress. In addition, it asks the Generalitat to enforce the current legislation on this matter in the Catalan territory and to take the appropriate sanctioning measures with the councils that repeatedly breach the law ( /).

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