A Europe in Crisis: Beyond Economics
The European Union is at a crossroads, where a political crisis is added to a precarious economic situation. This double crisis highlights a fracture that goes beyond finances, addressing the cultural and ideological roots of European society.
The Conflict between Ideology and Christian Culture
An aspect that is often overlooked is the growing conflict between the ideologies that dominate European institutions and the Christian roots that, despite secularization, continue to have a significant weight in society. This tension can be seen as a potential disruptor that could trigger a deeper crisis.
A Revealing Historical Context
If we compare it with the history of Russia, we can see that the USSR tried to eradicate Christian Orthodoxy for decades. Although the Soviet empire fell suddenly, Orthodox culture has reemerged with force, which makes us wonder about the future of Christian culture in Europe.
Incompatibilities between Beliefs and Norms
The discrepancy between Christian beliefs and the norms established by European institutions is becoming increasingly evident. Below are some of the most salient points that illustrate this tension.
1. God as Moral Foundation
The secular conception of European politics excludes any reference to God, which clashes with the Christian perspective that considers divinity as the foundation of morality.
2. Human Nature
Contemporary ideas about gender and identity challenge the Christian notion that defends a human nature fixed by God, thus creating a conflict of values.
3. Marriage and Family
The promotion of multiple sexual identities and the recognition of same-sex marriage contradict the Christian view of traditional marriage.
4. Sexual Self-Determination
LGBTIQ+ movements reject any limitations on sexual identities, in contrast to the concept of natural moral law defended by the Christian tradition.
5. Bioethics and Autonomy
The emphasis on individual autonomy on issues such as abortion and euthanasia generates conflicts with the Christian vision that defends the sacredness of life.
6. Justice and Forgiveness
Christianity promotes forgiveness as a central value, while contemporary perspectives tend to seek reparation and retributive justice.
7. Charity and Social Welfare
The Christian vision of charity as a personal responsibility conflicts with the welfare state model that can belittle the act of charity.
8. Education and Diversity
The inclusion of gender diversity in school curricula may clash with the rights of Christian parents to educate their children according to their beliefs.
Final Reflections on the European Fracture
The discrepancy between Christian values and modern politics reveals a deep fracture in the European social fabric. As this tension intensifies, it is essential to reflect on the implications of this division for the future of European cohesion.