Inici » Violence, lack of lesbian visibility and invisibility, what are the challenges that the LGTBIQA+ community still faces in Spain?

Violence, lack of lesbian visibility and invisibility, what are the challenges that the LGTBIQA+ community still faces in Spain?

un gran grup de persones amb rètols i banderes en una manifestació de protesta a barcelona, ​​Espanya, el 25 de març de 2013, Carles Delclaux Is, foto realista, una foto d'estoc, incoherents

Violence and discrimination

One of the most important challenges facing the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain is violence and discrimination…

Inadequate health care

Another important challenge is the lack of adequate health care for LGTBIQA+ people…

Lack of lesbian visibility

Lesbian and bisexual women often face a lack of visibility in the LGTBIQA+ movement…

Lack of references

Another important challenge is the lack of references for LGTBIQA+ people…

Fear of expressing affection in public

Many LGTBIQA+ people still feel afraid to express affection in public due to fear of rejection and discrimination…

Discrimination in the work area

Employment discrimination is another challenge faced by the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain…

Invisibility of certain people

Within the fight for equality, it is important to highlight the invisibility of certain people within the LGTBIQA+ group…

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