Vox asks the judge not to apply amnesty to those investigated for terrorism in the Democratic Tsunami case

The Vox ultra party asks that the amnesty not be applied to those investigated for terrorism

The Vox ultra party has asked the judge of the National Court Manuel García-Castellón not to apply the amnesty law to the 10 investigated for terrorism in the cause of Democratic Tsunami, according to the letter presented to the court and to which he had access premium.cat this Thursday.

Vox’s lawyer, Marta Castro, maintains that crimes of terrorism cannot be amnestied. And, alternatively, if the judge has doubts that the amnesty law of the process goes against the law of the Union, he proposes that he suspends the procedure and that he submits a query or a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The opposition itself has expressed popular accusations on behalf of Spanish police officers.

Vox’s letter emphasizes that the judge can keep in force or issue precautionary measures

The Vox lawyer points out that the judge can keep in force or issue precautionary measures, such as national arrest warrants, despite the fact that the law of criminal oblivion states that they must be lifted “immediately”. The lawyer maintains that Spanish jurisprudence supports this and that not doing so would go “against judicial independence”.

In the case of Tsunami, neither the National Court nor the Supreme Court has any arrest warrant in force, but Judge Pablo Llarena does have one in the case of 1-O for the president-in-exile Carles Puigdemont , the former councilors Toni Comín and Lluís Puig and the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira.

Vox’s request is contrary to that of the Prosecutor’s Office

Vox’s request is contrary to that of the Prosecutor’s Office, which is asking for amnesty for all those accused of Tsunami, both at the National Court and at the Supreme Court, because it maintains that the facts related do not fit into the crime of terrorism. The lawyers of those investigated by ERC, Junts and Òmnium Cultural have also asked for amnesty.

The defendants have had the support of human rights organizations

The defendants have had the support of human rights organizations, which assure that the mobilizations promoted by Tsunami against the Supreme Court’s ruling against the pro-independence leaders are not criminal and fit within the right to protest.

Vox argues that the amnesty is inapplicable in the crime of terrorism

The argument of the ultra Vox party is that the amnesty law is “inapplicable” in the crime of terrorism because it goes against the Penal Code and also against European directives. In addition, he adds that the rule does not respect the separation of powers, nor equality before the law and violates the rights of victims of terrorism.

However, the lawyer does not admit that in the events attributed to the Tsunami investigators there are no fatalities or serious injuries due to the mobilizations, once the justice system has ruled out the connection to the death of the French citizen. On the other hand, there is a young man who lost an eye due to the impact of a projectile, it is not known whether from the Mossos or the Spanish Police, in the large protest at El Prat airport against the ruling of the Supreme Court.

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