World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

A forgotten chakra

On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, it is important to talk about a problem that is often forgotten. This day not only seeks to give visibility to abuse, but also to combat ageism and age discrimination, which are widespread forms of discrimination. According to the World Health Organization, ageism is the third most common form of discrimination, after racism and sexism. It is alarming to see how violence against the elderly is increasing in Catalonia, especially at this stage of their lives when they are most vulnerable.

A worrying increase

The working group promoted by the Provincial Council of Barcelona against the abuse of elderly people has detected a substantial increase in cases of abuse. A total of 544 cases were detected in 2023, compared to 346 cases the previous year and 283 cases in 2021. This means that in just two years, the number of violent episodes has almost doubled in the province of Barcelona, ​​with an increase of 48%. Worrying data has also been recorded in the Diputació de Girona, with a 21% increase in detected cases.

Relevant data

The data reveal important information about this problem. For example, in nearly half of the cases, children are the most common aggressors, and the family environment is the most prone to violence. In addition, there is a significant gender bias, with 83% of victims being female and 77% of perpetrators being male. The most common abuse is psychological, but there are also cases of financial and physical abuse. It is worrying to know that only one in twenty victims report these abuses, which makes it even more difficult to respond and eradicate this problem.

A warning cry

The Ombudsman for Grievances, Ester Giménez-Salinas, wanted to send a cry of warning in front of this situation. In a conference on the abuse of elderly people, he expressed his concern and asked for the necessary consensus to eradicate the abuse of this group. He has urged the passage of the Elderly Act and a review of current protocols to ensure an adequate response. It is important to act quickly, as a year in the life of an elderly person is a long time. The Ombudsman has highlighted the lack of updated data as a symptom of the lack of attention to this problem, stating that abuse of the elderly is a very hidden and silenced form of violence.

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