Inici » Authorities warn of ‘potato fraud’ scam in Spain

Authorities warn of ‘potato fraud’ scam in Spain

un munt de patates amb taques marrons asseguts sobre una taula al costat de l'altre amb brutícia, Boetius Adamsz Bolswert, pell d'oliva, una foto d'estoc, fotorealisme

The rise of online scams

More and more people in Spain have reported having been victims of an internet scam, which has led the National Police to issue a new alert about the ‘potato fraud’. This scam has recently gained notoriety and has mainly impacted second-hand buying and selling platforms, such as Wallapop and Vinted.

The modus operandi of the ‘potato fraud’

Scammers advertise electronic products at attractive prices on these platforms. Once the buyer completes the transaction and makes the payment, the scammer sends a package that, instead of the promised product, contains a potato or another object of little value. Upon discovering the deception upon receiving the package, the buyer finds that the scammer has already disappeared with the money.

The seriousness of this type of fraud

The National Police has highlighted the seriousness of this type of fraud, which has increased with the rise of electronic commerce. Criminals are constantly innovating their methods to avoid detection, making these scams increasingly difficult to prevent.

Recommendations to prevent online scams

To combat this type of fraud, the National Police recommends buying only from trusted websites, verifying the identity of the seller before making any transaction, using secure payment methods and being on the lookout for offers that seem too good to be true. By following these precautions, users can better protect themselves against ‘potato fraud’ and other similar e-commerce frauds.

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