Inici » Beware of scams in supermarkets: Tips to protect your data and money

Beware of scams in supermarkets: Tips to protect your data and money

un carretó de la compra amb un munt de plantes verdes al passadís d'una botiga amb una varietat de sucs, Andries Stock, fotografia d'aliments professional, una representació digital, superplana

The importance of security in supermarkets

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of new technologies, we can make our purchases quickly and conveniently. However, there are also risks associated with the security of our data and money. Cybercrime, such as scams, is one of the main concerns in this area. For this reason, it is essential to be alert and take precautions when making our transactions in supermarkets.

The supermarket scam: how it works

The Civil Guard has warned about a new practice used by criminals in supermarkets throughout Spain. These criminals take advantage of the communications we receive by email or SMS, to which we are subscribed as supermarket partners, to carry out their scams. They send messages announcing that we have won a prize in a supposed raffle and, taking advantage of our naivety, they encourage us to click on a fake link. By doing so, criminals can steal our personal data and access our bank card.

In this situation, it is essential to pay attention to the sender and the content of the email. Misspellings and suspicious writing can be signs of a scam. In addition, the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) recommends ignoring spam emails and tracking our banking transactions to detect any suspicious activity.

How to protect yourself from supermarket scams

To avoid falling for these scams, it is important to follow some security recommendations. First of all, it is recommended to access the supermarket’s website directly by typing the URL into the search engine, instead of clicking on suspicious links. In addition, it is advisable not to use public WiFi networks, as they can be unsafe and facilitate the theft of information.

Likewise, it is essential to carefully examine the emails we receive, paying attention to possible spelling errors or suspicious wording. If something seems too good to be true, it’s probably a scam. Lastly, it is important to keep track of our banking transactions and report any suspicious activity to our bank.


In summary, security in supermarkets is a vitally important issue today. Cyber ​​scams pose a constant threat, but by following some precautions and being alert, we can protect our data and money. Remember to carefully examine emails, avoid clicking on suspicious links and use secure WiFi networks. Your security and peace of mind are the most important thing when making your transactions in supermarkets.

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