Find out why you should prepare fried eggs with flour from now on

Tips to achieve the perfect fried egg

Do you think you have culinary skills, but find it difficult to achieve flawless fried eggs? You’re not alone. Although it may seem like a simple recipe, preparing a fried egg requires certain tricks to prevent it from burning or ruining. For this reason, we have compiled a list of 6 tips that will help you cook the perfect fried egg.

Tips for cooking the best fried egg

1. Make sure the pan is very hot before adding the oil or butter. You can check the temperature by spraying some water on the pan. If the water sizzles, the pan is ready.

2. Add enough oil or butter to cover the entire base of the pan. If there is not enough fat, the egg will stick.

3. Crack the egg carefully into the pan, trying to keep the yolk intact if you prefer a fried egg with a runny yolk.

4. Let the egg cook in the hot oil until the white is firm and the yolk is cooked to your liking. If you prefer a runny yolk, cook the egg for 2-3 minutes; If you prefer a cooked yolk, cook the egg for 4-5 minutes.

5. Use a spatula to carefully remove the egg from the pan. You can drain the excess fat on a paper towel before serving the fried egg.

6. If you want to give the fried egg an extra touch of flavor, add fresh herbs such as parsley or cilantro, or sprinkle with a little grated cheese before serving.

Tell us if these tips have been useful to you and surprise your guests with the perfect fried egg.

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