Inici » The Importance of Walking for Health and Metabolism

The Importance of Walking for Health and Metabolism

un home amb un petit objecte vermell i blanc a la mà i un edifici al fons amb gent caminant pel carrer, Évariste Vital Luminais, 8 k, una foto d'estoc, incoherents

The Impact of Walking on Health

Currently, with the rise of remote work and sedentary lifestyles, society has experienced a worrying increase in blood sugar levels, especially in developed countries such as Spain. However, a study conducted by the University of Limerick has revealed that taking short walks after meals can have a significantly positive impact on metabolic health.

This study, published in the National Library of Medicine (NIH), showed that interrupting prolonged periods of sitting with light-intensity walking significantly reduced blood glucose levels. It is not about performing strenuous exercises, but rather small actions that break a sedentary lifestyle and promote light physical activity throughout the day.

Benefits of Walking After Eating

Walking after eating not only helps reduce postprandial glucose, but also increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, facilitating glucose uptake by muscle cells. This habit also helps reduce stress, a factor that can negatively affect blood sugar levels by releasing cortisol, a hormone that interferes with its regulation.

The Optimal Time to Walk

According to researchers at the University of Limerick, the optimal time to take these short walks is right after meals. Great efforts or long periods of physical activity are not required, just a few minutes of moderate walking can make a difference in long-term cardiovascular and metabolic health.

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