Inici » The return of Vicente Iborra to Levante: dreams and expectations

The return of Vicente Iborra to Levante: dreams and expectations

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The longing of Levantinism for the return of Vicente Iborra

The media environment is optimistic about his return to Orriols, although with caution. However, the intention is to close it soon. Calero, excited about the possibility.

Levante fans long for the return of Vicente Iborra, who expressed his desire to give his best to the club in the last years of his professional career. Despite LaLiga’s financial limitations that prevented him from remaining last year, both the player’s entourage and the club intend to reach an agreement that meets the wishes of both parties and the fans.

Optimism and prudence regarding the return

According to sources close to the midfielder, there is optimism in the possibility of his return, although it is handled with caution due to past experiences. Both the club and the player want to seal an agreement that benefits both parties and fulfills the desire of Levante fans.

The unbreakable desire of Vicente Iborra

Vicente Iborra does not see any other option than returning to Levante, despite his time at Olympiacos. His desire is to give his best to the club he considers his home, and his mind is set on returning while he waits for confirmation.

Expectations around return

The return of Vicente Iborra is one of the most exciting aspects of Levante’s summer of rebuilding. The coach, Julián Calero, is excited about the possibility of having a player of Iborra’s stature in his new project, and it is expected that his return will instill new enthusiasm in the fight for promotion to the First Division.

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