Inici » A Fuego: The Passion and Creativity of Pablo Macho Otero in La Villarroel

A Fuego: The Passion and Creativity of Pablo Macho Otero in La Villarroel

un home amb vestit i camisa negra es troba davant d'un fons negre i mira la càmera, Diego Giacometti, David Lazar, un retrat de personatge, arte povera

The Creation of the Work

Pablo Macho Otero presents A Fuego a La Villarroel, a work he has written and performed with fervor and a unique poetic structure. The joint direction with Emma Arquillué, under the supervision of Jordi Oriol and with the collaboration of Oriol Pla, has given life to this production. A Fuego was premiered in June 2023 at La Gleva Teatre and represents the fourth production of the La Bella Otero company, after Enterrando a Dodot (2021), Loco amoris (2021) – both by Macho Otero – and George Kaplan ( 2023) by Frédéric Sonntag.

The Theater Experience

The play begins with two sonnets recited by the actor, accompanied by a rhyming warning to switch off mobile phones. This introduction reflects on the audience’s memory as the only witness to the theatrical performance. The theme of authorship permeates the monologue from beginning to end, exploring the ego of the author-character in a parodic way. The scenography by Yaiza Ares, with a metal table on a black circle and a white model crowned with a crest of matches, evokes images that refer to history and symbology.

Versification and Creativity

The work is characterized by a unique poetic structure, with a clear predilection for the octosyllabic and an obsession with wordplay. Through consonant rhyme and the use of various poetic compositions, Macho Otero pays tribute to writing and the ephemeral art of theater, expressing the artist’s longing for immortality. This unique versification of the Baroque in the contemporary scene is an example of creativity and artistic experimentation today.

The Monologue and References

The actor splits into author and actor in a monologue that moves through different motifs, with references to authors such as Machado, Pirandello and Byung Chul-Han. Through this representation, the importance of being perceived and remembered as an artist is highlighted, while exploring the relationship between art and memory.

Inspiration and Anachronism

Pablo Macho Otero relies on the prestige of antiquity to validate his story, playing with metatheatre and anachronism. Through his work, the author expresses his passion and his creative tendency, exploring themes such as immortality and the relationship between art and existence.

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