Inici » A room that evokes anxiety and hope

A room that evokes anxiety and hope

una habitació amb molts mobles i un canelobre penjat del sostre i una finestra amb vista a l'exterior, Andreas Gursky, render del motor irreal, un barroc flamenc, moviment d'arts i manualitats

A gold plate site

Nothing more desperate than a room that bears the name of anguish stamped on its wood, deceiving with its innocent golden plaque.

He waits for an answer

The wait, we always endure it as an answer to so many things that we don’t know how to answer. The non-movement to try to pull forward, as if inertia were little more than a supermarket belt.

Immobile protagonists

In this room, the protagonists of There will be a September for everyone (at Teatre Gaudí until June 2) flutter in a lethargy that prevents them from growing, suffering and managing. Marcel (Xavi Mercadé) and Irene (Núria Florensa) are still those two innocents who fell in love at the bar of a bar, to the rhythm of Maniac and vodka.

An Asperger’s diagnosis

Marcel and Irene have been in the waiting room of a child psychiatrist to face their son’s diagnosis of Asperger’s. They are not together, they broke up a while ago, we don’t know why or if there is.

A journey through time

Every minute, the narrative travels to the past of the protagonists to discover new details and then returns to the present, bringing a little more understanding. The time jumps intermingle like a braid, recreating a full disco, a museum of hanging paintings or a car crammed with children’s toys.

Pain management

Marcel and Irene’s pain and internal management lead the story, showing that there is no healthy relationship without good communication. The unspoken words permeate the room, giving it a gray tone, but with splashes of humor that make the audience smile.

A work with weight

Directed by Laura Porta and Ricard Martí, with drama by Frank Bayer, There will be a September for everyone portrays a sadly failed couple’s relationship. It also highlights the importance of loving yourself well, beyond loving yourself a lot. In addition, it addresses the issue of trauma and the chronicling of silence, which can be lethal if it is not functional for the subject.

A work that questions

There will be a September for everyone captivates the public’s attention because it interpellates and points out many facets within the family. The main characters carry the weight of the story, making us reflect on family relationships and the importance of communication.

An intimate experience

The work is performed in a small setting, without majestic ornaments, putting all the emphasis on the two people and their fate. This intimacy allows the audience to experience the theater in an authentic way, connecting with the characters and their emotions.

The power of affection

There will be a September for everyone reminds us that traumas can be more intense in the summer, but that affection is always greater when there is a chance to connect with others.

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