Inici » Carlos El Yoyas has been arrested and has entered prison

Carlos El Yoyas has been arrested and has entered prison

un home amb barba i un rellotge al canell davant d'una porta amb un altre home al fons, Daryush Shokof, poca profunditat de camp, retrat d'un personatge, figuració lliure

Arrest and entry into prison of Carlos El Yoyas

Carlos El Yoyas has been arrested and imprisoned after two years of mocking justice. The National Police and the Mossos have detained him this week in a farmhouse in Anoia that they say was owned by his parents, a detail that makes it even more unlikely that they have not found him before. And, in addition, many journalists have claimed that they knew perfectly well where he was for a long time.

The former Big Brother contestant has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for mistreating his wife and the two children they have together. Now, he has begun to serve his sentence and his ex is breathing easy again.

Carlos El Yoyas’ life in prison

Now that he has become part of the list of prisoners at Brians 1, many are wondering what his day-to-day life will be like inside prison. He has tried to postpone this entry as long as possible and, because of his escape, the sentence will be increased, as his lawyer has acknowledged.

In statements reported by Europa Press, the lawyer recognizes that “what happened is a real disaster.” If he had gone to prison when asked, this Christmas he could have obtained a first permit and could have been inside for only two of the five years.

The attitude of Carlos El Yoyas in prison

Surprisingly, the lawyer says that he has seen him much more animated than he thought. In fact, he would be joking about his imprisonment: “Geez, I should have come sooner because the food is better here than in the military.” It seems that knowing that he will be able to smoke in prison has calmed him down: “He had the tobacco vouchers and I saw him encouraged. I hope he adapts quickly and is distracted, so time passes quickly. “He shouldn’t have done it this way, but it is what it is,” his lawyer commented resignedly.

Fayna Bethencourt’s perspective

Fayna Bethencourt has lived through hell because of her ex-husband. Her love story didn’t start very well, considering that he was expelled from her GH for the treatment he gave her and other contestants. However, they married and had two children together who have witnessed the abuse that the woman has suffered.

She has suffered a lot during the two years in which he has been on the run from justice, of course, since she feared that he might go home to take revenge on her for the complaint. When it became known that he had been arrested and that he had gone to jail, she opened up in a statement to Outdoor: “I’m still shaking… I asked for help because I knew that at any moment he could appear and erase my smile forever.” She says that the Police notified her of her arrest and that, since then, she has been “like in a dream.” Furthermore, she takes the opportunity to thank all the support she has received throughout these years of struggle.

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