Inici » Concern in Survivors: All Stars for the state of health of Jorge Pérez

Concern in Survivors: All Stars for the state of health of Jorge Pérez

una dona de peu a la platja amb una samarreta blava i un arbre verd al fons amb un cel blau, Araceli Gilbert, imatge promocional, retrat d'un personatge, dau-al-set

Olga Moreno and Jorge Pérez: a supportive relationship

Olga Moreno is going through some worrying times on Survivor: All Stars. Olga, who has proven to be a strong and determined contestant, has Jorge Pérez as her biggest supporter on the island. However, the worrying state of Jorge’s health has generated great anxiety in Olga.

Jorge Pérez, former civil guard and winner of Survivors 2020, returned to the island with the intention of repeating his success. His charisma and physical strength have made him a crowd favorite. But in this edition, an unfortunate injury threatens his continuity in the competition. Jorge Pérez has injured the tendon in his forearm, which has forced him to receive medical attention and follow a treatment with anti-inflammatories.

Olga Moreno’s concern

In the last few days, we have seen many of the contestants worried about their partner’s condition. However, we could see that Olga Moreno would be a little more uneasy with this situation.

For Olga Moreno, the situation of Jorge Pérez is not only a concern for his colleague. Also for the impact this can have on their participation. The Andalusian has been a controversial figure since he arrived on the show, as his entry seems conditioned by his actions in the past.

It is well known that Olga is not liked by most of the contestants. He’s actually having some trouble relating. In addition to the conflicts he has already had.

As a result, he has found in Jorge a fundamental support. For this reason, the possible exit from the civil guard would leave Olga in a vulnerable position, with no one to fully trust.

Olga has proven to be a strong contestant, but her lack of support among the rest of the contestants could work against her. Without Jorge, Olga would have to find new alliances to make her stay on the island more enjoyable.

The current state of Jorge Pérez

As we mentioned earlier, Jorge Pérez is suffering from a forearm tendon injury. Since then, he has had to receive medical attention and follow a treatment with anti-inflammatories.

In one of the most recent galas, Jorge confessed his state of health: “I could barely open my hand… I was on the verge of not playing the game, but here you have to give everything and it can’t be otherwise. I hope it doesn’t hurt too much tonight and I hope it will be better tomorrow.”

The program’s medical team is doing everything possible so that Jorge can continue. However, the nature of his injury and the limitations of the environment make his recovery uncertain.

In addition, Jorge has declared that he cannot do nothing in a situation like the one posed by the contest. “It’s impossible to stay still here, let alone with everyone doing things, how am I going to stay still?” he said.

The next few weeks will be crucial to determine if Jorge Pérez can follow Survivors: All Stars. His determination is undoubted, but health must be the priority. Supporters of the show and colleagues are watching his progress and hope he can overcome this obstacle.

Despite the difficulties, Jorge remains hopeful that he can recover and continue in the program. Jorge’s mental and physical strength has been key in his career.

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