Inici » David Rocasolano: A Cousin of Letizia and His Relationship with the Royal Family of Spain

David Rocasolano: A Cousin of Letizia and His Relationship with the Royal Family of Spain

una dona de cabells llargs amb vestit i arracades en una habitació amb una paret amb marc daurat i una paret blanca, Eva Gonzalès, simetria facial perfecta, un retrat, tachisme


David Rocasolano, a close relative of Queen Letizia, has been a controversial figure in Spain’s royal family. Since the announcement of Letizia’s engagement to Felipe VI, Rocasolano has spoken openly about her relationship with the royal family and has revealed intimate details that have generated controversy and humiliation for the queen.

The Humble Origin of the Rocasolano Family

According to David Rocasolano, his family lived in humble conditions and struggled to make ends meet. Despite the efforts of both parents, the salary was not enough to cover all needs. During the winter, they were cold and did not have enough money to turn on the heat. Rocasolano remembers seeing his cousins ​​wrapped in quilts and with purple lips due to the cold. Furthermore, the meals always consisted of chard, which Rocasolano did not like.

Letizia’s Problematic Relationships

David Rocasolano has revealed information that has damaged Letizia’s image, especially in relation to her sister Erika Ortiz and her relationship with Antonio Vigo, Carla Vigo’s father. According to Rocasolano, Letizia felt ashamed that her sister was involved with someone who did not have a prestigious profession. Furthermore, Rocasolano affirms that both Letizia and her sister Telma have always interacted with successful and ambitious men. On the other hand, Antonio Vigo, who was believed to be a sculptor, actually worked as a sweeper. The Rocasolano family and Jesús Ortiz tried to hide this information and persuade Erika to break off her relationship with Vigo, but they were unsuccessful.

The Disapproval of Juan Carlos and Sofia

Juan Carlos and Sofía, Felipe VI’s parents, never fully accepted Letizia into the royal family. They were ashamed of Letizia being a commoner and of her humble family. Paloma Rocasolano, Letizia’s mother, was a union nurse, while Jesús Ortiz, Letizia’s father, worked in a communications agency. These backgrounds were not considered suitable for royalty. There was even an attempt to hide the profession of Letizia’s grandfather, Paco, who was a taxi driver and communist. Juan Carlos felt ashamed of this connection and avoided appearing in public with Paloma Rocasolano.


The relationship between David Rocasolano and the royal family of Spain has been complicated and has generated controversy. Rocasolano has revealed intimate details that have humiliated Queen Letizia and revealed tensions within the royal family. Despite the difficulties, Letizia has managed to establish herself as queen and play her role with dignity and commitment.

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