Inici » Evo Morales and Luis Arce: The Political Pulse in Bolivia

Evo Morales and Luis Arce: The Political Pulse in Bolivia

un home amb vestit i corbata davant d'una multitud de persones amb la mà cap al costat, Estuardo Maldonado, m, una foto, regionalisme

Evo Morales gives his opinion on the coup d’état

The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has expressed his opinion about the coup d’état that the country experienced, suggesting that President Luis Arce was involved in it. Morales has stated that Arce deceived the Bolivian people and the entire world with this coup or self-coup, generating controversy in the Bolivian political sphere.

Morales, who shares a party with Arce, has questioned the way the uprising was carried out and the government’s response, even going so far as to claim that he was the target of the military operation. These statements have fueled political tension between both leaders and have generated speculation about the impact of Morales’ return to the political front line in relation to the upcoming elections.

The Pulse between Arce and Morales

The current Bolivian president, Luis Arce, has had a long political career and has held several positions in his country’s executive. Despite having worked closely with Morales, their relationship has not been entirely positive. After Morales’ departure, Arce assumed leadership of the party and the country, winning the 2020 elections. Now, both leaders compete for control of the party and to be candidates in the 2025 elections.

Morales has aligned himself with those who suggest that Arce was behind the coup to gain more sympathy, while the Bolivian president has responded to these accusations through social media, rejecting Morales’ claims and defending the legitimacy of his government.

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