Inici » French Election Results: Victory for the Far Right and Challenges for the Left

French Election Results: Victory for the Far Right and Challenges for the Left

una dona amb vestit i corbata asseguda a una taula amb altres persones darrere i un micròfon davant, Fanny McIan, foto real, un retrat, neoisme

Victory of the Far Right in the First Round

In the first round of the French elections, the far right led by Marine Le Pen has achieved a significant victory, obtaining 34% of the votes. This puts her in a position to compete for control of the National Assembly next Sunday, July 7. In second place is the left, represented by the New Popular Front (NFP), with 28% of the votes.

Challenges for the Left

The scenario appears complicated for the leftist forces, who now have the task of deciding a strategy in the short term. Former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has expressed concern about the possible victory of the far right, warning of the implications of his economic program for France.

Failure of the Left

Manuel Valls has reflected on the possible failure of left-wing political parties, pointing out that they have not managed to effectively address issues such as security and the economy. He has also highlighted that the inexperience of the extreme right in government has generated a vote of hope in certain sectors of the population.

Strategies to Confront Le Pen

Faced with the threat of an absolute victory for the extreme right, the possibility of unifying candidacies to confront Le Pen is being raised. However, this strategy presents challenges, as some voters may not support certain left-wing candidates. Uncertainty and the need to avoid an absolute majority for the leader of the National Group (RN) are central issues in the current political discussion.

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