Inici » Infanta Sofia and Princess Leonor enjoy a Taylor Swift concert in London

Infanta Sofia and Princess Leonor enjoy a Taylor Swift concert in London

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A sister plan in London

On more than one occasion, Infanta Sofía has asked her mother to accompany her to a concert or to the television program ‘El Hormiguero’. However, due to her obligations and the need to maintain her safety, the daughters of kings must always be accompanied and extra precautions are taken to ensure their well-being.

Leonor and Sofía, like any teenager, enjoy watching series, movies and attending concerts. However, on this occasion, they could not attend Taylor Swift’s concert in Madrid due to her commitments in Zaragoza and Wales.

As a gift for finishing the school year with good grades, sisters Sofía and Leonor decided to take a trip to London to enjoy Taylor Swift’s concert at Wembley Stadium. Accompanied by a group of friends, the princesses were in the stadium enjoying the show. Their security team requested that no photographs be taken of them during the event.

A special meeting

During their stay in London, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia had the opportunity to meet again with Amalia of Holland, a friend of the same age. The Spanish Royal House maintains an excellent relationship with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and this meeting demonstrates the closeness between the royal families.

Although the princesses’ getaway was a special moment, the Royal House decided not to publish any photographs or information about the trip on their social networks, as they prefer to maintain the privacy of the royal family and avoid possible controversies.

An unforgettable memory

During the concert, both Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia had the opportunity to meet Taylor Swift and took photos with her. However, these images will not be published, since the Royal Family prefers to maintain discretion in this type of situation.

The princesses’ trip to London was a unique and special experience, in which they were able to enjoy the music of one of their favorite artists. In addition, they had the opportunity to strengthen friendship ties with other people her age, such as Amalia from Holland. Without a doubt, this trip will remain in the memory of Infanta Sofía and Princess Leonor as an unforgettable memory.

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