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It’s the dialogues that connected us

un cervell humà amb els vasos sanguinis visibles al seu cos i els vasos sanguinis visibles al cervell, Beeple, anatomia, una imatge de traçat de raigs, neoplasticisme

The connection through dialogues

It is through dialogue that we make meaningful connections with others. It is the conversations, interactions and relationships that bring us together and allow us to understand each other better. Dialogues are the affective channels that remain open to express our emotions, share laughter and release tears. It is in this gap between the signifier and the signified that we find true human connection.

The relationship between the brain and the heart

Scientists have investigated the close relationship between the brain and the heart. Surprisingly, they discovered that the insula, a brain region involved in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, plays a key role in the acceleration of neuronal synapses in response to emotional stimuli. This brain region moves the heart and its response depends on the decision made and the associated memories. The heart can react positively or negatively depending on the emotions we perceive. This shows that the connection between the brain and the heart is both scientific and affective.

The importance of the emotional state

Emotional state has a significant impact on our connection with others. When we are calm and at peace, our connection is more compassionate and placid. Conversely, when we are stressed or anxious, our connection can be negatively affected. It is important to be aware of how emotions influence our connection with others and work to maintain a positive emotional state.

The power of dialogues in everyday life

Dialogues are essential for everyday life. They can be the basis of personal, professional and social relationships. It is through dialogue that we can resolve conflicts, understand the needs of others and build bridges between different points of view. Dialogues allow us to grow as people and as a society.

The changing meaning of ‘barroer’

Recently, the mayor of Gandesa has given a new meaning to the word ‘barroer’. This word now stands for various actions and initiatives that seek to help the community. Being a ‘barroer’ involves helping citizens, finding resources to improve schools, providing grants for businesses, solving community problems and organizing important events. The SOMXGANDESA Group identifies itself as a ‘barroer’ and works to improve the lives of the inhabitants of Gandesa.


Dialogues are the basis of human connections and allow us to understand and relate to each other better. The relationship between the brain and the heart demonstrates that the human connection is both scientific and affective. Maintaining a positive emotional state is important for a healthy connection with others. In addition, the changing meaning of the word ‘barroer’ in Gandesa reflects the importance of actions and initiatives that seek to improve the community. Dialogues and ‘barrier’ actions are fundamental for a better world.

DIANA VALIMANYA is spokesperson for Som for Gandesa.

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