Inici » Judge Joaquín Aguirre and his influence on the Process: a deeper look

Judge Joaquín Aguirre and his influence on the Process: a deeper look

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Judge Aguirre and his role in the Process

Judge Joaquín Aguirre, recognized for his actions regarding the Trial and the Volhov case, is once again the center of attention. This time, a recently published audio has generated reactions, including that of former president Carles Puigdemont, who has spoken out about Judge Aguirre’s actions from his exile.

In the audio, Carles Puigdemont expresses his concern about the politicization of judges and their use to undermine the rule of law, describing these actions as a crime that is classified in the Penal Code. This event has once again put Judge Aguirre’s role in the Process at the center of the discussion.

Aguirre and his actions to avoid the amnesty

Four years ago, Aguirre initiated the case of the Russian plot of the Process. Although the case was inactive for a time, the judge reactivated it with the aim of preventing figures such as Carles Puigdemont, Gonzalo Boye or Josep Lluís Alay from benefiting from the amnesty law. Finally, the judge has charged them with a crime of high treason with the intention of preventing them from being amnestied.

This situation has generated tensions and has been a source of debate, especially after Juntos overturned the amnesty in Congress. The recently released audio reveals Aguirre’s celebration of having influenced this decision and his skepticism about the future of the Spanish government.

Final thoughts

The released audio has revived the debate around the actions of Judge Aguirre and his influence on the Process. The reactions of prominent figures such as Carles Puigdemont have highlighted the importance of this issue. This event raises questions about the role of justice in sensitive political situations and its impact on the rule of law.

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