Inici » Kim Kardashian’s influence on her daughter’s artistic life

Kim Kardashian’s influence on her daughter’s artistic life

una dona i un nen asseguts junts en un seient d'un teatre, amb una gran pantalla al darrere i un home amb vestit, Felix-Kelly, trets facials simètrics, una fotocòpia, neoclassicisme

The queen of reality shows

Kim Kardashian, known as the queen of reality shows, has once again captured the attention of social networks and the media. This time, it’s not about his controversial romances or his extravagant looks, but about his intervention in the artistic life of his daughter North West.

Kim Kardashian’s intervention

Recently, Kim Kardashian’s daughter North West was the center of attention during the 30th anniversary concert of Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ at the Hollywood Bowl. However, it wasn’t because of her performance, but because of her choice of wardrobe.

According to a spokesperson involved with the production of the event, North West rejected the Simba costume provided by the organizers and opted for a YEEZY costume, designed by Kanye West, his father.

Reactions and criticism

Kim Kardashian’s attitude generated controversy among the organizers and costume designers of the event. While other stars accepted the outfits designed by Marina Tobina, Kim was adamant and imposed her choice of clothing for her daughter.

This stance drew criticism on social media, where many users accused Kim Kardashian of nepotism and using her influence and wealth to benefit her daughter at the expense of other talents.

The controversy of nepotism

Accusations of nepotism were bolstered by rumors that Kim Kardashian paid a large sum of money to secure North’s role in ‘The Lion King’, without her daughter having gone through the audition process like the rest of the contestants .

These practices have sparked outrage and criticism towards Kim Kardashian, who is accused of using her influence and power to open doors for her daughter, to the detriment of other talents working hard for their dreams.

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