Inici » Masi’s confessions about his challenge in the ‘OT 2023’ post-galas: An authentic story

Masi’s confessions about his challenge in the ‘OT 2023’ post-galas: An authentic story


A different role than expected

Almost two months have passed since the culmination of OT 2023, a moment that has led Masi, one of the program’s presenters, to share her sincere experiences about her participation in the post-galas, a significant novelty that was incorporated into the famous musical talent when migrating to Amazon Prime Video.

Initially, the Malaga native admits in the Buenismo Bien podcast that the role she ended up playing was not what she had initially imagined. She expected more informal conversations with the contestants after the galas, in a relaxed atmosphere similar to the previous academy format.

However, the reality was quite different: he found himself on stage, in front of a large audience, dealing with contestants who were emotionally exhausted for various reasons. This sudden change caused her discomfort and led her to feel out of place.

The emotional impact

Masi confesses to having felt like a ‘clown’ during the first post-galas, facing uncomfortable and emotionally challenging situations. The elimination of contestants also affected her personally, which contributed to her initial discomfort.

He experienced a complicated adaptation period, facing not only the demands of the new format, but also criticism from the most traditional followers of Operación Triunfo, who questioned the change to the post-galas.

Public reactions

Masi notes that many fans expected a more relaxed and family-friendly approach, and the introduction of the post-galas did not meet those expectations. The resistance to change was reflected on social networks, where he received negative criticism that affected his emotional well-being.

He decided to step away from Twitter to protect his mental health and focus on his work, despite the initial avalanche of criticism. As the season progressed, opinions on the post-galas began to change, and Masi began to receive praise for her performance.

A rewarding ending

Despite the initial challenges, Masi reflects on his experience at OT 2023 positively. As the audience adjusted to the change, the post-galas ended up being well-received, leaving her with a feeling of satisfaction and gratitude towards the show and her audience.

Ultimately, he views this experience as an opportunity for personal and professional growth, despite the difficult times he faced at the beginning.

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