Inici » Mercadona launches an innovative product for the summer

Mercadona launches an innovative product for the summer

tres pots de vitamines s'asseuen en un prestatge d'una botiga, amb altres vitamines al fons, Altichiero, fotografia de producte, una foto d'estoc, neoplasticisme

A revolutionary health product

Mercadona has presented a new product that is destined to become a real sales success. This innovative product is ideal for preparing for summer and offers numerous health benefits.

A unique formula

This Mercadona product is made with a unique formula that includes collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and magnesium. This combination of ingredients provides a refreshing lemon flavor and offers numerous benefits for the body.

Health benefits

Collagen is essential for strengthening bones, muscles and joints, improving their health and resistance. Magnesium promotes protein synthesis, improving collagen production and contributing to strong and healthy bones, as well as the proper functioning of muscles. Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen and improves the functioning of bones and cartilage. Hyaluronic acid contributes to improving the flexibility and movement of the joints.

How to incorporate this product into your routine

Mercadona recommends taking a full container of this product per day, dissolved in 150 ml of water. It is important not to exceed this dose and it is not recommended for children under 18 years of age. The effects begin to be noticed at 6 months and it is advisable to take it between meals to obtain better results. It is important to avoid taking it too close to meals because the body may consider it an additional protein source, reducing its effectiveness.

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