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Micro patronage campaign for the Puig Antich theater project

un home amb vestit davant d'una pantalla amb una imatge d'un home en un teatre, Alexis Grimou, 8 k uhd, un holograma, plasticien

A campaign to collect funds for the Puig Antich theater project

The micro-patronage campaign on the Goteo platform to collect funds for the Puig Antich theater project, open case is now underway. Based on the book Salvador Puig Antich, open case. The definitive review of the process, by the journalist Jordi Panyella, and promoted by himself and by personalities from the world of culture, the assembly can be seen from November 4 to 9 at the actual scene of the events, the Model prison.

An emotional video to stimulate participation

To encourage participation in crowdfunding, which will be the only way to see the play, since tickets will not be on sale, an emotional video has been released in which the four Puig Antich sisters take part. Four women who, 50 years ago, since their youth Рsince childhood, in the case of Mer̤ona, the youngest Рhave been fighting for the reparation of a manipulated court case that sentenced her brother to death, to be executed in vile club

Personalities from the world of culture involved in the project

In the video, Panyella and others involved in the project also appear, such as the actress Carme Sansa, one of the interpreters of the work, the playwright, Mercè Sarrias –creator of Plats Bruts and Porca misèria–, the director, Jordi Pérez Solé, and the assistant director, Helena Moliné. The actors Marc Pujol and Bárbara Roig and many other performing arts professionals are also part of this project, which is part of the commemorative events of the Democratic Memorial in the year of Puig Antich, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his execution, which was completed on March 2.

How the micro patronage campaign works

Contributions with the Goteo campaign will be the only way to attend the performance of the play, and in some cases, depending on the amount chosen, will give the right to also see a rehearsal, in addition to other rewards. There are up to 14 forms of participation, ranging from 10 euros – the only one that does not give the right to see the work, but only to be included in the acknowledgments – up to 1,000 euros.

The modes from 20 euros give the right to see the assembly – you can choose the date between November 4 and 9 – and from 75 euros are for small groups. The higher ones are designed for companies or entities that want to be sponsors, receive up to ten invitations and have access to the closing dinner and the colloquium with the team. In between, there are other options that also offer as a reward a copy of the book signed by the author or a poster of the show signed by the team. And all the modalities, from those that involve contributing 10 euros, are tax-deductible, with a significant percentage of return. On the campaign website there is a link to the tax calculator to find out how it is done and to know how much can be deducted in each case.

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