Inici » North Korea-Russia relations: a new era of strategic prosperity

North Korea-Russia relations: a new era of strategic prosperity

dos homes donant-se la mà davant de dues banderes en una habitació amb una cadira vermella i una cadira vermella, Arkhip Kuindzhi, foto professional, una foto d'estoc, realisme socialista

A new chapter in bilateral relations

During the meeting between North Korean President Kim Jong-un and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the beginning of a new stage of prosperity in relations between the two countries was highlighted. According to the Tass news agency, Kim Jong-un expressed his optimism about the future of strategic cooperation between North Korea and Russia.

In this context, Kim Jong-un has praised Russia’s role in maintaining global strategic balance. Furthermore, he has expressed his support for the special operation that Moscow has carried out in Ukraine, thus showing his support for Russian policy in the region.

Strengthening strategic cooperation

The North Korean leader has expressed his intention to strengthen strategic cooperation with Russia, especially in an increasingly complex and changing global context. In his words, North Korea seeks to strengthen strategic contacts with Russia and its leaders in this scenario.

For his part, Vladimir Putin has thanked Kim Jong-un for his unconditional support for Russian policy, including his position towards Ukraine. Putin reportedly highlighted that Russia is fighting decades of imperialist policies imposed by the United States, and he would have valued North Korea’s support in this regard.

Key exchanges between both countries

North Korea has supplied Russia with millions of Soviet-era artillery munitions, which has been crucial in supporting the Russian military campaign in Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia is believed to have provided aid to North Korea’s satellite program, as well as other weapons, economic aid and diplomatic support.

These exchanges have strengthened ties between both countries, and important documents outlining future cooperation and addressing security issues are expected to be signed during the visit. Experts have noted that the relationship between North Korea and Russia is becoming increasingly integrated in defense matters, and that both countries seek to take advantage of this perception to boost their cooperation in this area.

A promising future

In conclusion, relations between North Korea and Russia are entering a new era of strategic prosperity. Both countries have expressed their commitment to strengthening cooperation in various areas, and have highlighted the importance of maintaining a strategic balance in today’s world. The exchanges and agreements between North Korea and Russia promise to open new horizons and contribute to the development and stability of the region.

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