Inici » Photography and its relationship with society

Photography and its relationship with society

una persona parada en una habitació amb moltes runes a terra i un llum sobre una taula, Annie Leibovitz, fotografia, una foto en blanc i negre, nova objectivitat

The importance of photography in today’s society

Photography is a form of artistic expression that has had a significant impact on modern society…

Photography as a reflection of the spirit of the times

Photography is closely linked to the spirit of the time in which it is produced…

Photography as an art of disenchantment

Modernity, characterized by the disenchantment of things, has had an impact on the way we perceive and appreciate photography…

Photography as a document of reality and a work of fiction

Photography has the ability to be both a document of reality and a work of fiction…

Photography as a tool to reveal social truth

Photography can be a powerful tool to reveal social truth and highlight the inequalities and injustices of society…

Jeff Wall’s exhibition at the Virreina Center de la Imatge

An exhibition not to be missed is the retrospective of the work of photographer Jeff Wall at the Virreina Center de la Imatge…


Photography is a form of artistic expression that reflects the spirit of the times and the human condition at a given moment…

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