Inici » Queen Letizia’s public image: between elegance and controversy

Queen Letizia’s public image: between elegance and controversy

una dona amb un vestit blanc i corbata negra i arracades dempeus en una habitació amb una paret marró, Eva Gonzalès, dona, un retrat, plasticien

The public image of Queen Letizia

The public’s perception of Queen Letizia has always been marked by her desire to project elegance, responsibility and discipline. Despite recent revelations about possible infidelities on the part of Felipe VI at different stages of her relationship, Letizia has maintained an impeccable facade before the public.

However, behind the scenes, it is suggested that Letizia has a less friendly side. According to various sources, in private she is described as cold, calculating and dominant, even taking the lead over Felipe in the domestic sphere, as stated by specialized chroniclers such as Pilar Eyre and Jaime Peñafiel.

Bug Fix Efforts

With the constant assistance of her advisors, Letizia strives to correct the mistakes made over the years. In the Royal House, there is a clear attempt to present a modern and accessible monarchy, especially after the controversies that have surrounded King Emeritus Juan Carlos I. This effort includes regaining the trust of the Spanish people in the crown, a task in which The royal consort has worked hard.

Queen Letizia, unable to hide her worst character

Despite these efforts to polish her public image, there are aspects that Letizia seems to neglect, such as her language. Several sources point out that in private she is prone to swearing frequently. Although since she met Felipe she has tried to moderate her expressions and improve some of her attitudes, she does not always manage to contain herself, her favorite word being a vulgar “fuck”, which often leaves her lips. she.

In July 2018, during an awards and scholarship event organized by Iberdrola at its foundation, disturbing testimonies emerged about Letizia’s behavior. According to a story on the YouTube channel of expert Laura Rodríguez, the queen showed inappropriate behavior at an event where children and adolescents were the main guests. Said testimony was, presumably, that of the mothers of one of those present, who was a direct witness of her attitude.

Letizia arrived at that event arm in arm with Felipe, and as soon as she entered, Letizia made a “contemptuous gesture with her face at one of the bodyguards.” Later there was a reception for the most VIP attendees, but Letizia hid behind some curtains, avoiding interacting with the rest of the people and wearing a notable disgusted face.

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