The Beginning of a New Era
The classic image of a zombie apocalypse is unmistakable: a virus that emerges from obscure laboratories or a tropical infection that transforms humans into hungry monsters. In this narrative, however, we enter a future where humanity has disappeared, leaving behind a world inhabited by the living dead and abandoned animals.
The Fate of Animals
With the disappearance of the human race, animals have not escaped the fate that awaits them. The dogs, with their unwavering loyalty, were the first affected; the cats, cunning as they are, followed their path. Farms became graves for cows, pigs and lambs, while birds and insects remained a baffling mystery.
Life After The End
One day, the zombies gathered in a desolate city, a scene of abandoned cars and looted shops. In this environment, they realized that their existence seemed to lack purpose. The utopias formed by groups of survivors had fallen into oblivion, and the last of these, a civilization on the Canadian island, had been destroyed by a simple infected cat.
The Birth of a New Creativity
Needing to redefine their purpose, zombies began to explore new ideas. The proposal to turn fish into zombies was dismissed with a laugh. Instead, one of its members suggested a revolutionary idea: to rebuild the human structures that had been abandoned. At first, it seemed like nonsense, but soon they began to work with surprising dedication.
The Reconstruction of a World
Zombies started with houses, but their ambition didn’t stop there. As they advanced, they rebuilt shops, hospitals, and even infrastructure like bridges and roads. Their creativity overflowed, and they began to build buildings that defied gravity and logic, with shapes and colors that captured the essence of a new art.
Harmony in Death
In this new order, collaboration and creativity became their norms. Without the need to eat, sleep or argue, the zombies worked in perfect harmony, creating an environment where art and architecture melted into a new reality. But, as often happens in the best stories, an unforeseen event put this utopia in danger: a clown fish, infected by a virus, broke this serenity.
Reflections on Humanity
This story invites us to reflect on the nature of life, creativity and the capacity for reinvention. In a world where all seems lost, even the dead can find a new way, reminding us that life, in any of its forms, always finds a way to express itself. The question that remains is: what will we, the living, do with the opportunities presented to us?