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Society and Communication Today

un grup de persones caminant per un carrer al costat d'un edifici amb una porta de vidre i una taula i cadires, David Chipperfield, diari d'arc, una foto de canvi d'inclinació, secessió de Berlín

The Impact of Social Networks and the Media

Currently, the high level of personal frustration and social tension that has spread through the media, political groups and, above all, social networks is evident. The latter have become an important amplifier of private misery, cowardice, the exaltation of violence and manipulation, all protected in anonymity. This phenomenon has generated a significant impact on society, contributing to mistrust and polarization.

The Role of Institutions and Citizenship

Political leaders and institutions, instead of exercising their responsibilities for the benefit of citizens, often seem to use their prerogatives for personal interests or as weapons to throw against their opponents. This lack of exemplarity and transparency has contributed to undermining trust in institutions and political leaders.

Political Tension and Transparency

Despite any political agreements that may emerge, tension and mistrust persist, raising questions about the true representation and commitment of political leaders. The so-called transparency, in many cases, is nothing more than a veil to hide the morbidity and lack of integrity in public management.

Behavior on Public Roads and Impatience

The behavior of citizens on public roads also reflects the tension and impatience that has become widespread in society. Impatience, arrogance and anger are manifested in driving vehicles, which puts road safety at risk and reflects a lack of tolerance and respect.

The Impact of Social Conditions on Behavior

Social conditions, including work pressure and emotional instability, influence the behavior of the population. These conditions can exacerbate impatience and aggression, which is reflected in situations such as driving and other everyday behaviors.

The Night of San Juan and Social Reflection

The celebration of the night of San Juan, which should be a magical and festive moment, has been marred by inappropriate and dangerous behaviour. This reflects the lack of respect for rules and safety, as well as the absence of reflection on the impact of individual actions on society as a whole.

The Need for Reflection and Change

It is crucial that society reflects on its behaviors and seeks positive change. The lack of responsibility and respect for social norms and public safety must be addressed collectively, promoting a culture of awareness and empathy.

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