Inici » The Antonio David Flores and Rocío Carrasco Case: New Revelations and Developments

The Antonio David Flores and Rocío Carrasco Case: New Revelations and Developments

una dona amb vestit i collaret asseguda en una cadira amb una mirada seriosa a la cara, Eva Gonzalès, dona, un retrat, arte povera

New Revelations about the Case

Recently, María Patiño shared new relevant information about the case between Antonio David Flores and Rocío Carrasco. This judicial process began with an accusation by Rocío Carrasco against her ex-husband for an alleged crime of theft of property, which could result in a prison sentence of between six months and nine years if found guilty.

Reactions and Consequences

Marta Riesco addressed to Ni que fuéramos the details of her life, her dismissal from Mediaset and the relationship with Antonio David. The statements during the interview caused a negative reaction from his ex-partner, as well as from the program itself. This situation reopened a pending judicial issue with María Patiño.

Imputation to María Patiño

During the broadcast of Rocío Carrasco’s documentary, María Patiño accused Antonio David of distributing posters against him in order to victimize himself and highlight the harm caused by the documentary. These accusations led to a lawsuit for criminal insults and slander by Antonio David, and La Vanguardia made public the judgment that ordered the opening of an oral trial and set a bail of €120,000 as a precautionary measure.

Recent Developments

After denying the accusations, Antonio David challenged María Patiño to show the sentence. It was later revealed that €70,000 was seized from the presenter, but after she was fired from Telecinco, the seizure of her assets was stopped. Currently, the case continues with new interactions between the parties involved, indicating that the trial will resume.


The Antonio David Flores and Rocío Carrasco case continues to generate interest and controversy, with recent developments pointing to an imminent trial. The tensions between the parties and the new revelations maintain uncertainty about the evolution and the final verdict of this media case.

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