Inici » The Ceremony of Purification and Washing of Hands in the Eucharistic Celebration

The Ceremony of Purification and Washing of Hands in the Eucharistic Celebration

un sacerdot posa un tros de pa sobre una taula amb un panet a sobre i un capellà es troba darrere seu, Dionisius, zabrocki, un pastel, precisió

The Significance of Handwashing in the Eucharistic Celebration

As part of the presentation of the elements of the Eucharistic celebration, after consecrating the bread and wine to become the Body and Blood of the Lord, the priest washes his hands on one side of the altar. This rite, according to number 76 of the General Order of the Roman Missal, symbolizes the desire for inner purification.

Although some people may question the necessity of this rite, it is important to remember that the washing of hands during Mass has a long tradition that goes back at least two centuries before the elements of the celebration were introduced. This gesture of inner purification is described by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem as a symbol of the need to purify oneself from sins and wash oneself of all iniquities.

The Symbolic Meaning of Hand Washing

While the priest washes his hands, he secretly recites a verse from Psalm 50, known as the penitential psalm, which expresses the request to be cleansed of sins. Thus, this gesture is not merely functional, but has a deep symbolic and penitential meaning. This duality between the functional and penitential gesture is also manifested in other liturgical rites, such as the Ash Wednesday liturgy.

The Importance of Handwashing as an Expression of Purity and Humility

The washing of hands after the presentation of the gifts of the Mass and before beginning the Eucharistic prayer is a gesture of great expressiveness. Through this act, the priest, before standing in the center of the altar as an icon of Christ the Head, expresses externally his humble and sinful condition. Thus, this gesture not only symbolizes inner purification, but also reminds us of the need for conversion towards God.


In short, the washing of hands during the Eucharistic celebration is not simply a functional gesture, but has a deep symbolic and penitential meaning. This rite recalls the need to purify oneself from sins, to wash oneself of iniquities and to express purity and humility before God. Through these liturgical signs, the conversion of the heart towards divine truth is invited, making the invisible visible.

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