Inici » The contract of the contestants of Survivors

The contract of the contestants of Survivors

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A penalty clause

Celebrities who become part of the group of contestants of Survivors must sign a contract beforehand. It has always been said that one of the clauses makes it clear that they have to pay a very high penalty if they decide to leave, as this creates a detriment to the program. The amount we are talking about has never been leaked to the press. How much do they ask in return specifically? Now it was one of the ex-contestants who brought it to light.

The amount of the penalty

Rafa Mora, ex-contestant of Survivors, has revealed in an interview that the organization of the program asks the contestants to pay a penalty of €150,000 if they decide to leave before the official expulsion. This amount is very high and explains why many contestants think a lot before making this decision.

Exceptions to the penalty

Not all contestants have to pay this penalty if they leave the show. There are cases in which the chain makes exceptions, as in the case of Oriana Marzoli, who did not have to pay anything when she left. It seems that the chain has a different deal with her and they already assume that she will leave before time.

Contestants’ earnings

During their participation in the program, contestants receive a weekly salary ranging from €5,000 to €10,000. Also, after being evicted, they continue to earn money through their on-set appearances, albeit at a lower amount than they earned on the island.

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