Inici » The fascinating career of Javi López: from motivation to advocacy

The fascinating career of Javi López: from motivation to advocacy

un home assegut a un escriptori amb un bolígraf a la mà i un paper davant seu amb un bolígraf a la mà, Agustín Fernández, ignacio fernandez rios, una foto d'estoc, plasticien

The influence of books on Javi López’s vocation

Beyond his political vocation, the legal profession has always been a very interesting path for Javi López. The head of the PSC list for the European elections on June 9 explains, in response to his personal questionnaire, that John Grisham’s books awakened his motivation for this profession. In fact, a few years later he graduated in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University.

Javi López’s first job

Although his passion for the legal profession was evident, Javi López’s first work moved away from this field. He worked as a teleoperator conducting telephone surveys, an experience that allowed him to develop communication and empathy skills.

Javi López’s love of running and favorite places

In addition to his political career and his dedication to the legal profession, Javi López also has other hobbies. One of them is running, a practice that he does in the parks of Brussels during the plenary weeks in the European Parliament. As for his favorite places, he highlights the parks of Brussels and the BOZAR, the Palace of Fine Arts.

Javi López’s childhood dreams

As a teenager, Javi López dreamed of becoming a lawyer, influenced by the John Grisham books that he loved so much. This dream came true when he decided to study Law.

The book that changed the life of Javi López

Among the books that have left a mark on the life of Javi López, ‘The World of Yesterday’ by Stefan Zweig stands out. He considers that this book reflects very well the challenges he faces in his political career and in the June 9 elections.

Javi López’s favorite movie

The movie that Javi López has seen the most times is ‘The Goonies’, a movie that he enjoyed a lot when he was a child.

The essential object in Javi López’s suitcase

If he had to go to Brussels, Javi López says he would take a raincoat and vitamin D pills, to deal with the climate and stay healthy.

The emotions and skills of Javi López

Javi López highlights his ability to disconnect from the world when he reads, which he considers very useful. Furthermore, he confesses that what scares him the most is the suffering of the people he loves and that his most important contact on the cell phone is Josep Borrell, high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs.

Javi López’s recommendations for visiting Brussels or Strasbourg

Javi López recommends visiting BOZAR, the cultural center of Brussels, for its exhibitions and concerts. In summer, he also suggests enjoying the city parks. As for Strasbourg, he does not mention any specific recommendations.

Javi López’s relationship with other deputies

Javi López highlights his good relationship with Ernest Urtasun, with whom he had a generational connection and political harmony in many aspects. However, he does not mention any deputies from another group that he would like to sign.

The political vision of Javi López

Javi López identifies with European social democracy and affirms that, if his party did not exist, he would create one with that political orientation.

The salary of an MEP according to Javi López

Javi López recognizes that the salary of an MEP may seem high in the eyes of a citizen, but he also points out that it is a European salary that must be compared to the conditions of other countries. He considers that this perception may be understandable, but also highlights that it is important to take into account the context and working conditions.

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