Inici » The Importance of Linguistic Militancy and the Electoral Results in Catalonia

The Importance of Linguistic Militancy and the Electoral Results in Catalonia

un grup nombrós de gent amb banderes en un carrer amb edificis al fons i una munió de gent al voltant, regionalisme, una foto, 8 k, Carles Delclaux Is

The Need for Permanent Linguistic Militancy

After the election results of May 12 in Catalonia, the need for permanent linguistic militancy to protect and promote our language is more evident than ever. The results of these elections not only reflect political changes, but also the fragility of the Catalan language in a complex socio-political context. It is time to reflect critically on our strategies and commit to an active and constant defense of Catalan. It’s enough to say, it’s time to do and act for the language!

Linguistic Sensitivity in Political and Social Discourse

The electoral results also highlight a lack of linguistic sensitivity in political and social discourse. The parties that have obtained the most support have not prioritized Catalan as the central axis of their policies, and this is a reflection of the disconnection between linguistic militancy and current political reality. This situation demands a forceful and well-organized response from all those who love and defend Catalan.

The Commitment to the Defense and Promotion of the Language

Linguistic militancy cannot be a one-off task or relegated to moments of crisis, but must be based on cooperation between institutions, cultural entities and all citizens. This active and constant commitment to the defense, promotion and use of the language is essential to ensure the vitality and survival of Catalan in all areas of social, cultural, educational and economic life.

Concrete Actions for Linguistic Militancy

This includes the creation of language associations, language awareness and awareness campaigns, the active defense of language rights through legal actions and political pressure, as well as the promotion of the cultural production of the language. It is also crucial to ensure an uninterrupted organization of acts and events in which the Catalan language and literature are promoted.

The Role of the Community in Linguistic Militancy

It will have to be us, the people, who organize and fight for the cause, who manifest, demand and have their linguistic rights very clear. Catalan has survived thanks to the resistance and collective effort of the people, and today, the challenges that occupy and worry us are different. Globalization, digitization and demographic changes will test us, and permanent linguistic militancy is essential for the survival of our language.

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