Inici » The Judiciary and its Influence on Spanish Legislation

The Judiciary and its Influence on Spanish Legislation

un jutge i el seu personal en una sala amb un jutge al fons escrivint un document en un porta-retalls, Beta Vukanović, rutkowski, una foto d'estoc, regionalisme

The Increase of the Judicial Power

Currently, there is a growing increase in the power of judges, both at the national and supranational level, which has generated a greater impact on legislative work.

Judicial Intervention in Legislation

This increase in power has led to greater intervention by jurisdictional bodies in the application of the law, which has given rise to various interpretations and reactions in the legal and political sphere.

Analysis of Relevant Judicial Decisions

When analyzing recent judicial decisions, such as those of judges Susana Polo and Llarena, a diversity of approaches and positions is evident in relation to the application of the amnesty law, which has generated an intense debate in society.

Implications for Relevant Political Figures

The impact of these judicial decisions is not only limited to the legal field, but also has significant implications for prominent political figures, such as Puigdemont and President Sánchez, generating a complex and challenging scenario for governability.

Reflection on the Future of the Judiciary

Given this panorama, the need arises to reflect on the role of the Judiciary in Spanish legislation, considering the implications at the national and supranational level, as well as the balance between justice, governability and respect for fundamental rights.

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