Inici » The naturalness of Infanta Sofia and her academic performance

The naturalness of Infanta Sofia and her academic performance

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The naturalness of Infanta Sofía

Infanta Sofía has starred in spontaneous moments at public events, such as the swearing-in of Leonor’s Constitution or the 10th anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI as king of Spain. She has deviated from the established script and has shown her authenticity with her mistakes, something that Letizia would never dare to do or allow. Perhaps that is why her daughters are highly valued by the citizens. In her appearances, a very distracted Sofia has been observed, thus showing her unique personality.

Academic performance of Infanta Sofía

Leonor and Sofia are complementary sisters who support each other, but differ in many ways. This is reflected in their studies, where Leonor has proven to be very diligent and has obtained good grades in all subjects, while the Infanta has difficulty in some subjects. In addition, she tends to get distracted easily and has trouble concentrating, especially in mathematics. Those who know the daughters of the kings well claim that Leonor is more like Letizia at school, while Sofia is an exact copy of Felipe VI, just as he was at school.

Education of Infanta Sofía

Letizia and Felipe wanted their daughters to receive the same education, regardless of whether one of them became the future heir to the throne. For this reason, Sofía had the opportunity to live the same educational experience as her sister. Currently, she has completed her first year of high school at the prestigious UWC Atlantic College boarding school in Wales. Despite having passed everything about her, her grades are considered fair, since more was expected of her. Her parents have had serious conversations with her because of this.

Behavior of Infanta Sofía

What has pleased Felipe and Letizia the least is Sofía’s behavior outside of classes. During the weekends, she used to escape to the neighboring town with her friends to buy alcohol and organize impromptu parties, which has generated complaints from residents. The kings have had serious conversations with her about it, emphasizing the importance of getting good grades from her. During the two summer months, she will dedicate herself to studying while her parents fulfill institutional commitments, without having a single day of rest.

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