Inici » The political challenge in Catalonia and the possible alliances to avoid new elections

The political challenge in Catalonia and the possible alliances to avoid new elections

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The challenge of forming political alliances in Catalonia

The political scene in Catalonia poses the challenge of forming political alliances to avoid calling new elections. The search for agreements between different parties has become a crucial issue for the stability and political future of the region.

Salvador Illa and his search for political support

Salvador Illa, a politician recognized for his seriousness, seeks inspiration from the French leftist front to justify the formation of a tripartite III in Catalonia. Although this proposal does not have broad support, Illa would be willing to obtain the investiture vote of ERC in exchange for avoiding a repeat election. His strategy would include pacts with different parties, such as the Commons and Junts, to address priority issues such as budgets, infrastructure and other relevant issues for the region.

The dilemma between new elections and investiture

The uncertainty about the possibility of new elections or the investiture of a new president is one of the most relevant issues in the Catalan political panorama. The approach to a pre-investiture agreement between ERC and Salvador Illa is conditioned by issues such as the referendum and the economic agreement, which could influence the final decision and bring closer or further away the possibility of early elections.

The impact of external factors on Catalan politics

The electoral results in France and other European countries could have repercussions on the evolution of the Catalan political scene. The rise of lepenism in France and other populist movements in Europe could influence the decisions of Catalan parties, especially with regard to political stability and the formation of possible alliances to avoid repeat elections.

The need for agreements for the stability and future of Catalonia

The need to reach political agreements to avoid repeat elections and provide stability to Catalonia is being raised. The possibility of a large tripartite government, with the participation of the PSC, Junts and ERC, is presented as an option to guarantee an operational majority that can govern effectively and mobilise broad sectors of Catalan society in the search for solutions to the political, economic and social challenges facing the region.

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