Inici » The relationship between Queen Letizia of Spain and Queen Máxima of Holland

The relationship between Queen Letizia of Spain and Queen Máxima of Holland

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A relationship in constant evolution

The relationship between Queen Letizia of Spain and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands has been the subject of much interest and speculation in royal circles and among followers of European monarchies. Over time, this relationship has undergone significant changes, reflecting the dynamics between these two prominent figures.

In their first years as princesses, Letizia Ortiz and Máxima Zorreguieta maintained a cordial and friendly relationship. Both came from non-royal families and had adapted to life in the monarchy, which united them to a certain extent. During the reign of King Juan Carlos I, Princesses Letizia and Máxima were seen together on several occasions, showing an apparent camaraderie that many interpreted as a budding friendship.

However, the situation changed significantly after the abdication of King Juan Carlos I in 2014, when Felipe VI ascended the throne and Letizia became queen consort of Spain. From that moment on, the relationship between Letizia Ortiz and Máxima de Netherlands began to show signs of tension. A turning point in their relationship occurred during an official visit by Máxima of the Netherlands to Spain, when a journalist asked him if he considered Letizia the most suitable to be queen. The queen responded diplomatically, saying that she could not answer that question, which was interpreted by many, including Letizia, as a lack of support or even criticism ( This seemingly innocuous comment marked the beginning of a colder relationship between both queens.

Personality Differences and Leadership Style

Over the years, the initial tension between Letizia and Máxima has been compounded by differences in personality and leadership style. Letizia is known for her rigorous and detailed approach to royal duties, often perceived as a perfectionist. Máxima, on the other hand, has a more open and approachable personality, which has made her very popular both in the Netherlands and abroad. This divergence in her approaches and temperaments has contributed to the growing distance between them.

Additionally, Letizia has been the subject of scrutiny and criticism from both the press and the public, which has affected her relationship with other royal figures. Her attitude, described by some as distant or rigid, has not been to the liking of Máxima, who shares the opinion of others regarding Letizia. These factors have contributed to the fact that the two queens do not maintain a good relationship today.

The distance between the queens

The distance between Letizia and Máxima reached a critical point during an official visit, where the lack of interaction and cordiality between the two was noted. Cold gestures and formal conversations replaced the camaraderie they once shared. All of this has been a consequence of the actions of each one, although Máxima’s supporters believe that it was Letizia who started everything (

In summary, the relationship between Queen Letizia of Spain and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands has gone through different stages over time. From a cordial and friendly relationship in their first years as princesses, to a more evident distancing after the ascension of Felipe VI to the Spanish throne. Differences in personality and leadership style have contributed to this tension, as well as the scrutiny and criticism that Letizia has been exposed to. Although the two queens do not currently have a good relationship, it is important to remember that relationships between royals can be complex and subject to constant change.

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