Inici » The rise of babies among influencers and famous people

The rise of babies among influencers and famous people

una dona amb un nadó als braços i somrient a la càmera amb un coixí darrere i un coixí darrere, Aramenta Dianthe Vail, imatge promocional, fotocòpia, premsa privada

A growing phenomenon

In recent weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of famous people who have announced their future motherhood. This trend has been reflected in social networks and in various publications of renowned magazines.

Diversity of approaches

Some of these personalities choose to share the news publicly through social networks, while others prefer to sell the exclusive to the media, leveraging their fame for additional financial gain.

An example of this practice is the case of Alejandra Rubio, daughter of Terelu Campos, who has announced her future motherhood on the cover of a large-circulation magazine. This decision has generated a lot of anticipation and has raised several comments, especially considering that the relationship of the protagonist with the father of the baby is relatively recent and that the latter has recently been convicted of fraud.

Economic value of exclusives

According to sources in the sector, exclusives of this type can generate considerable income for the people involved. It is estimated that the financial amounts associated with these exclusives can range from €80,000 to €100,000, including various covers and images related to pregnancy and the baby.

Different cases, different figures

Another relevant example is that of Anabel Pantoja, who has also shared the news of her pregnancy through a magazine. Despite the similarity in the circumstances, a significant difference has been observed in the income earned compared to other similar cases.

In this sense, the figures associated with this exclusive are on a considerably lower scale, according to information that points to figures below €30,000.

Reactions and justifications

Anabel Pantoja’s decision to share her news has generated various reactions and criticism. Facing these opinions, the protagonist has defended her choice through social networks, arguing that her decision to sell the exclusive responds to her desire to provide financial support to her family and ensure a stable future for to the baby

Likewise, he urged consideration and to avoid judging people in this situation, stressing that their decision should not be a reason for criticism, but for understanding and empathy.

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