Inici » The Spanish monarchy from a critical perspective

The Spanish monarchy from a critical perspective

una dona amb uniforme vermell i un home amb vestit blau i corbata es posen al costat de l'altre, Eva Gonzalès, regia, un retrat, incoherents

A different vision of the Spanish monarchy

It’s been a while since we heard from him, but now the Navarrese businessman and Letizia’s ex-partner has returned to the public scene. In an interview for the newspaper Clarín, Jaime del Burgo has expressed harsh criticism of the Spanish monarchy, making it clear that the Spanish have been deceived and that the moral corruption of the Bourbons is unacceptable.

Del Burgo points out that the Bourbons took over a Crown that did not belong to them, since Alfonso XIII abandoned the Crown when fleeing Spain. According to him, Franco appointed Juan Carlos as his successor and thus the current Bourbon dynasty was created. Del Burgo criticizes Felipe, the current king, for his figure and for the inviolability granted to him, considering it a legal aberration.

The relationship with Letizia

Del Burgo also talks about his relationship with Letizia, whom he affectionately calls ‘My rojilla’. According to him, their relationship was not simply lovers, but one of commitment and planning a future together. Del Burgo claims that Letizia asked him to flee, but the situation in the Royal House made it impossible. Furthermore, he assures that he maintains contact with Letizia and that the last time they spoke was on May 12.

A critical view of the monarchy

In summary, Jaime del Burgo expresses a critical vision of the Spanish monarchy, considering that the Spanish have been deceived and that the moral corruption of the Bourbons is unacceptable. Furthermore, he criticizes the figure of Philip as king and the inviolability granted to him. On the other hand, he talks about his relationship with Letizia, highlighting that it was a committed relationship and that they maintain contact to this day.

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